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Service Providers

The Miami Beach Convention Center has partnered with the industry's leading Convention Services companies to offer a full range of resources and event support to meeting and event planners.

Planning an event in Miami Beach has never been so easy! More information about our services providers can be found in the Event Planning Guide or please ask your assigned Event Manager for an approved list.




Exclusive Services

Preferred Providers

These are sponsored listings for preferred providers only. Additional preferred providers can be found in the Event Planning Guide.

Service Providers

These are sponsored listings for approved providers only. Additional approved providers can be found in the Event Planning Guide.


Florida is a right-to-work state. However, the MBCC is party to union agreements with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Motion Picture Machine Operators (IATSE), and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). All staging and production or audio/visual work must be done by union labor in accordance with these agreements. All contractors providing stage and production, or audio/visual production may provide supervision only. This includes all rigging and theatrical installations. All union labor has a (4) hour minimum requirement. All issues relative to the amount and types of display work your exhibitors can perform within the confines of their exhibit booth space must be discussed with your general contractor.